Girl, move on. He's not that into you.He's doing the 'phase out' thing already! He doesn't call you, he wants his key back and he never iniatiate to see you again. So, honey, please stop making excuses for his behaviour - he's a workaholic
lar, blur
lar or whatever else
lar. Stop being so darn nice! I know its hard to swallow the truth, but you need a reality check - so, I'm giving it to ya'!
Bottom line is, he's NOT into you as much as you think.
Hence, save up whatever left of your pride as a woman, take your tooth brush and all your things out of his house and leave! Don't show tantrum, settle matters the adult way.
Trust me on this. Men are not complicated, most times they know what they want. And if they are truly into you, they won't play guessing games and keep you wondering what is up with all the silence.
So, scoot.
There are other worthy men that deserves your time and attention. Or better still, take a long vacation from commitment like myself. Do some soul searching and do something with your life, rather than waiting for Mr.The One to come by. Never put all your eggs in one basket, unless the other party is willing to do the the same.
Rule of thumb from my late Imran = men, if they want you for real, they will show transparency (which I concur 101%). Opening up to a woman is much more terrifying and harder as opposed to emitting standard studly antics and playing 'tha game'.. *shrug*