Wednesday, November 28, 2007

you know who... no, i don't!!!

"Jannah Zarmani", a despatch announced my name across the HR department. He was holding a gorgeous Godzilla-size bouquet of pink lilies with an extremely small off white coloured card.

Okay, I thought to myself. I must be dreaming, hearing my name being called, as if the flowers were for me, plus in an office where I just started work 3 days ago... it doesn't make sense somehow.

"Miss Jannah Zarmani, flowers for you.", the despatch repeated. I played dumbed - wasn't really sure it was for me.

My boss, Monique, a sturdy looking Aussie woman (she's such a sweet woman actually) tap my shoulder and said in a very heavy southern Aussie accent, "Jannah, you got yourself a bouquet. From your boyfriend, I reckon? That's very sweet of him". I was speechless as I walked over and took the lilies - it was even more beautiful up front.

I opened the small card. It's written.. "To Jannah Zarmani....From : You know who". I double-check the spelling on the card, yup, it was for me! But then, I have no idea who sent me those flowers! I was raking my brain, thinking of a few guys who would dare to pull the stunt.

I was quiet for a while, thinking heavily when Monique tab my shoulders again. I faced her and said bluntly, "Is this a prank? Cause I don't know who sent me this! And if it were to be from my guy, he wouldn't give me the wrong colour. But he got the right flower thou'.." (I personally love WHITE lilies, not pink)

"Maybe the parlor have run out of other colours and they're left with pink.", Monique joked. But I wasn't laughing, somehow I knew it wasn't from the guy I'm currently hanging out with. WHO the hell gave me the flowers??

Frankly, I should be flattered, yes I am a wee bit. But somehow, it's scaring the shit out of me! It could be a stalker for all I know!

I'm thinking..... could probably be a prank by my friends, but then again, it doesn't make sense! Even a simple wrapped lilies without white and purple Baby Breath (the small decoration flowers) can cost up to RM80! The ones I've received definitely cost more than that!

Or maybe a secret admirer? Neehhhh... I'm pretty sure it's someone I know...but who aarrr??? I'm gonna BELASAH the person once I know who - it was embarrasing to receive a HUGE bouquet infront of the whole office okayyyyyy!!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

the indo style..

I'm darn lazy to update my blog these days. Can I just campak some pictures from a karaoke-dinner date with an Indonesian mate and just leave it at that? Heeeeeeee.... Malas la. Serious MALAS..

(1) Satay Padang - the taste was foreign to my palate, but nevertheless interesting.
(2) Indonesian Pecal - its pretty hot according to Adam. I dare not take a bite, cause I was having gastric.
(3) The guy who is blessed with awesome voice. No comment on his looks thou', muahahahahaha!!
Sekian, terima kasih. *wink*

Friday, November 23, 2007

lo que sera sera..

It's ironic that the more I don’t want to screw things up, then I become extra careful and that’s when stupid things happen.

So, just chill lagi bagus.

If things are bound to be screwed, no matter what measures are taken, it will be screwed in the end.

So, let it be.. maybe some things are better off without meddling.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

cockiest line..


"jan, its ok. i like u more than i like my other girl friend, ill do anything to cheer u up cuz ur smile's my smile too, n i jst wanna make sure that ur stupid smile always b the face u show, dont feel bad cuz i do it happilly. anytime."


God, help me. I need a break...

Why is that, what I want to hear is not all that? Maybe I'm just too straight forward and practical for my own good.

Yesterday's experience was both flattering and an eye opener. Now I'm sure what I want most is just to fly freely without any strings attached.

I'm not cut for commitment. Well, at least, not yet. *shrug*

Sunday, November 18, 2007

men are like cabs..


They are like cabs. Abundant when not needed.

Thou' it seems I'm flocked with choices, truth is I'm not able to choose one.

I'm still in the phase where I had outgrown the boys of my past but not quite grown into the men of my future.

Sometimes, people say something is better than nothing.

But I don't concur cause in matters of the heart, sometimes nothing is better than something I'm not sure of. There is people's heart at stake.... and mine. Not just some mere game of chase and fun.

So, all I'm able to do at the moment is just to lean back, chill and leave this part of life in God's hand..


I went back to Mom's hometown in Sungai Puyu, Butterworth last Sunday. The fresh air comes from the sea and the paddy field was a welcoming breeze.

Shit....malas nak sambung time la..hehe..

Thursday, November 8, 2007

happy hols..

Happy Deepavali!

Hey people, drink less todi aight...(who am I kidding) and please don't choke on the abundant tossai and mutton curry.. \^o^/

And happy hols..

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Manai is getting married.

Manai, the first guy who ever have the guts to ask me out is getting married.

Manai, the first guy who ever have the guts to ask me out and an eligible bachelor is getting married.

Manai, the first guy who ever have the guts to ask me out, an eligible bachelor and is a catch, is getting married.

Sigh, one less marry-able Malay men in the world.. Don't cry girls.. *grin*

Monday, November 5, 2007

some lesson..


Never tell a person who have a big mouth about some personal thing, even when in desperate times.

All I did was telling BIG MOUTH 10% of the whole story and BIG MOUTH managed to come up with another 90% to "furnish" and complete my story, siap with conclusion yang memalukan. And not only that, BIG MOUTH spread the "padded" story to other friends and walah...... managed to embarassed me in front of them.

I can't even angkat my face or eat more satay.

Lesson learned the hard way.

[Mental note to self = Jann, just shut up. Don't ask questions too.. Just be quiet. Zip it~!]

Sunday, November 4, 2007

i dont all!

I reckon I'm not cut for all the drama in real life.

It's freaking tiring and I'm in no mood to play along.

I don't have a powerful receptor to detect whether people are angry / tak puas hati / merajuk with me. Sorry lah, I'm just wired that way.

If tak puas hati, come and see me. We'll discuss, rather than tunjuk muka bengang tak tentu pasal.

Angry with me? Please tell me straight to the face and present your points. If I'm wrong, I'll apologize. If not, I'll still apologize for the sake of apologizing and jaga hati. What is there? Nothing to lose, right?

Merajuk? Heck, what did I do? Tell. Dammit, open up your mouth and tell. I suck big time in playing guessing game. Grow up, act like an adult and tell me what's wrong. can I treat a person like an adult when they sulk like a pimple-faced teenager?

And how come its MY FAULT pulak for being insensitive and ignorant?? Dorang yang emo~~!!

Eeeeee.....tak kuasa nak layan.
Wasting my time and effort.
Whatever..I give up!

Friday, November 2, 2007

Antara anyer dan Jakarta

Yesterday I was in my ol' KL.
But this afternoon, I'm in Jakarta International airport!

With Panau and Ane. (Mir & Kiran)

How did it happen so fast?
Easy step = pinjam duit, passport dah ada, return ticket ada.
Apa lagi, packed the essentials and fly la...

Gosh, I'm crazy~!!!


Or am I still dreaming of following them?