Saturday, August 11, 2007

mission aborted : 69% devious plan..

It started out as something devious that I had in mind.

Instead, the plan was forgotten and I turned into an angel and a sweetheart *muntah darah*. All of the planning to flirt senselessly and make the guy turn red was 'evaporated' when I look up at his innocent suci bersih murni face. I didn't even have the heart to tease him a little. ;Þ

Its refreshing thou', to know that there's still charming lurus bendul guys amongst the chauvinists who polutes the air of Kuala Lumpur these days. But I must say, charming lurus bendul guys must not be too blur, forgetful and have an appalling sense of directions (but its kindda cute to see him go senseless, haha). The ladies would second if I say, we ladies would rather you blur guys to take the lead.. *sweet smile*


he who must not be named said...

Me, lurus bendul? seriously? No waiii! XD

Nitpicking aside, you should give me a break, considering this is my first; I'm guessing I did alright? but yeah, about taking the lead - point taken. Now, if only I can find the reminder function to jot it down... :P

On a serious note, I really had a great time last night(and probably learn a thing or two). Maybe we should do this again, sometimes. ;)

jannz \^o^/ said...

This is my second attempt to reply your comment. The first one was deleted by my moron friend.

Anyways..,despite that #1 - u forgot where u park your car and #2 - u forgot to turn on the headlight while driving me back... I had a great time too ;)