Thursday, March 20, 2008

guys, we are so going!!!

Can't wait till April to come to experience some awesome awesome awesomeeeeeeeeeeeee adrenaline rush moments!

Let's see who will be the last man (or ehem...should I say, WOMAN) standing.. *smirk*

[Note to other peeps: Sorry guys, I've been asking tons of you peeps to go since 2006 and some since 2005, and you guys keep on delaying with thousand and one alasan, so I can't wait no more. I'm going this 19th, confirmed!]


david santos said...

Really beautiful posting. Thank you.

Untuk mengelak tragedi sama berulang kembali, dan demi keselamatan anak-anak kita, kami sedang menganjurkan kempen ke seluruh dunia, memaparkan gambar NURIN JAZLIN JAZIMIN di blog-blog di seluruh dunia pada 25 April 2008. Janganlah kita melupakan NURIN JAZLIN.

Anonymous said...

be careful