Friday, June 15, 2007

long vacation..

I'm tired. Really am. No no, I'm not a grumpy old whinner, just need to blab it out for the sake of sanity. Okay, that may sound exaggerating, well yea, maybe it is a little bit, but I seriously don't give a shit.

Let's just say that since I turned two decades old, I haven't had a good rest until now. Always working and studying and working, working, working... pay this, pay that.. take care of this, take care of that.... pick up this pieces, pick up THAT pieces... sacrifice myself for the sake of someone elses..

The only break I took was a month break in December 2005 before I continued studying again. And....continued with various part-time job, dealing with shitty things and obnoxious people as life goes by... a vicious cycle, really.


Oh man.. I need a blardee long vacation, 3 months at least... to drift myself somewhere and clear my conscience and regain my strength in order to face the whole shitty life again. There's too many agony, anger that could not be supressed and I'm just fed-up with living sometimes. Need to 'shoosh' all the negative vibes away.

Oh God please, drop me a few million bucks (in USD) so that I can get myself an isolated island in the British Virgin Islands so no one can screws up my life.. Amen.

p/s: I think God have just answered my prayer. Wow, THAT was fast! Oh NO NO, not a few million bucks.. I just got a call that reminded me that I'll be going for a short breakaway from hustle bustle KL this weekend.. Start small is better than nothing.. ;)

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