Tuesday, July 10, 2007

mucho stupido..

Why is that when I get to know a virile, eligible and downright studly specimen of a MAN, and show absolutely no interest in him, his self-esteem is damaged profoundly? Its really beyond me why would someone who exudes confidence and can make any woman to fall for him would have such fragile self-esteem.

And because I'm not into him, he would back-fired and say nasty stuff to me like, "Eleh, Jannah bukannya lawa pun". So what if I'm not pretty? Never claim to be one anyways. But what do my looks have anything to do in this matter?

Man......, this man is such a kiddo to play 'i'll-slap-you-back' game. Nothing is uglier than a man who have a hurting pride and can't handle it like a real man...

/jann is planning to reverse crooking-kick this stupido man's head...if he have one.

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