Saturday, July 28, 2007

PAP smear..

Yes, you're seeing correctly... I am posting an entry about PAP smear a.k.a PAP Test.
It is simply a quick and essentially painless screening test by scrapping teeny weeny amount of cells form a woman's cervix . The cells is then spread on a microscope slide for examination. The test is recommended not only to ensure there's no pre-cancerous cells and abnormalities but also to ensure general well-being of a woman's vagigi..
Every vagina owners who are sexually active is highly recommended to do the test, ESPECIALLY for those who had an early start (before 20 yrs old) in sexual intercourse, ehem. Uhuk uhuk.. /jann batuk menyindir.. *guffaw*


Anonymous said...

You should get one yourself, Jann. Haha..say hi to Dr.W

Anonymous said...

Aiks....I tot pap smear use only cotton bud for the test. Pardon my ignorance because I'm a guy. :P

jannz \^o^/ said...

knicksgrl0917: And you areeeee???

Aiden: Dude, a virgin doesn't need one. And go say hi to Dr.W yourself. I haven't seen him since Adams.

Zen Master: I don't know, just got the info from my interns friends. Maybe you're right, dude. Maybe u're a gynecologist in your past life. ;)