Sunday, November 4, 2007

i dont all!

I reckon I'm not cut for all the drama in real life.

It's freaking tiring and I'm in no mood to play along.

I don't have a powerful receptor to detect whether people are angry / tak puas hati / merajuk with me. Sorry lah, I'm just wired that way.

If tak puas hati, come and see me. We'll discuss, rather than tunjuk muka bengang tak tentu pasal.

Angry with me? Please tell me straight to the face and present your points. If I'm wrong, I'll apologize. If not, I'll still apologize for the sake of apologizing and jaga hati. What is there? Nothing to lose, right?

Merajuk? Heck, what did I do? Tell. Dammit, open up your mouth and tell. I suck big time in playing guessing game. Grow up, act like an adult and tell me what's wrong. can I treat a person like an adult when they sulk like a pimple-faced teenager?

And how come its MY FAULT pulak for being insensitive and ignorant?? Dorang yang emo~~!!

Eeeeee.....tak kuasa nak layan.
Wasting my time and effort.
Whatever..I give up!

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