Wednesday, September 5, 2007

high and spilling..

I felt like I was high on a jamaican margarita last night.

Only, to be awake and fully aware that I was babbling non-stop to a buddy about my personal life, I couldn't help it. I think its the medicine I took last night -Atarax Hydroxzin tablet and Zyrtec Cetirizine Hydrochloride tablets for my killer gastric pain... just to find out this morning that I took the wrong medication!!

Atarax and Zyrtec are actually sedatives, when taken, resulting in overly-calming effect which holds the responsibility in turning me pliable and loose...BIG TIME!! I was pouring out what's on mind without thinking twice, no filteration whatsoever. OMFG...*red face*.. hopefully that buddy of mine, doesn't think that I'm a spiller..I remember telling him tons of stuff which I'd like to keep private. Oh fcuk..

Damn those pills!! Everyone of them are white in colour and are of the same shape and size!! How would I know which is which?!! Mana wa tau!!!! /jann forgot to read name of the drugs written on the pill strips.. *hide face*


joanna said...

I won't tell you "I TOLD YOU SO" thing but instead...maybe we could use for our "special" brownie next time... ehhehe... high and high lol

jannz \^o^/ said...

High again?

AFTER our final year project la huh?!

Soo jealous that Ket finished!