Sunday, October 7, 2007

some legendary insights..

When we are young, our whole life is about the pursuit of life's adventure. It's all about being carefree and exploring life to the fullest. Then, we grow up, hit the bumpy road and learn about reality.

We eventually learn to be cautious.

We realized that life is not merely all dandy, we could break a bone or a heart along the way if we are not careful. We look before we leap and sometimes we don't leap at all because there's not always someone there to catch us.

And in life, there is no safety net. When did it stop being fun and start being scary?

I reckon, at one point in adulthood, life became serious and we start wanting stability, we started blending in and adjusting. What we used to think of something not quite fitting before, started to fit in slowly. And on the other hand, ironically, some other things that fits before, doesn't really seem to fit in, at the present moment.

Interesting enlightenment, don't you think?


[miss jann sempat ber-blogging while counting the countdown of her final year project submittion in 10 freakin' days!! *headache*]

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