Sunday, March 9, 2008


It's easier to be honest to someone I don't give an iota about. I can say whatever is in my head and deliver it straight to my tougue. Gotta say, I feel good about it.

On the other hand, whenever it comes to family and close friends, I automatically filter up to 80% of my original thoughts. Why? Cause most times, I don't agree with what they say and would rather smile or keep quiet or change topic rather than arguing my points. For one thing, it's rather pointless telling the absolute truth to this bunch of people I care for, cause ALL of them are strong-opinionated people - eventhou' their points are always bias and self-centred.

I remember there's few times when I blew up and said what I really feel and they end up crying and sulked for days. Kiddos... such full of dramas..

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