Sunday, March 16, 2008

never trust your doctor friend..

D: Will you talk? Or should I beat it out of you?

J: .....

D: Okay, let's start with your left eye. What happen?

J: .....

D: Jann! *pinches me*

J: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww.....bitch!

D: Well?

J: Okay okay.. you were wrong about the medicine okay.

D: Wrong? Hah! I think you're the one who screwed it up, knowing how you threat pills like candies. Did you take the right dosage?

J: I did!! You sure it's the right drug? You're positively sure? Have you been wrong before?

D: Of course...... but I'm not wrong about the medicine I prescribed you.

J: Oh, that's comforting (with sarcastic undertone). So, you're saying you have been wrong before?

D: Well yeah, but I'm not wrong in this case.

J: You had a case where you have given the wrong medication didn't you? *squinting my swollen eyes*

D: Yes. But I did not precribed the wrong medication this time.

J: But you have been wrong, si?

D: I already told you, yes. It's just a few times laaahhh.

J: Oh....and in those 'few' times, did you know at that moment that you were wrong?

D: ....errrr.... no. *she giggles*

J: AAAAaaaaaaaaarrrrgggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!


End up the medicine she gaves me contains a few percent of Aspirin substance - the very thing that causes me to be hospitalized due to severe allergic reaction last January.

Thanks for trying to kill me, friend....


Anonymous said...

Which doctor and which clinic? I will alert my friends and family member to avoid.

Anonymous said...

Thats so bad. I don't know who granted them license to practice. You can sue them.

Anonymous said...

thats bad..

jannz \^o^/ said...

she's a friend and honestly i can't believe myself how a person as clumsy as her can be granted a license to practice medicine..

that's the first n will be the final time i would ask her to subscribe me anything! ;p

Anonymous said...

that's is why doctors should not dispense medicine. pharmacist should, they are trained to do so.