Saturday, July 7, 2007

BBGS '99 Reunion

The girls who turns up wasn't the ones I expected. Ahakz! No. No. I didn't meant it to sound like they're not the ones I don't wish to see! Noooooooooo... it's not like that! ;Þ

My 'geng' in school like Zalila, Irina, Nad, Sarah, Dayang, Irlia...all didn't show up. They couldn't make it I reckon, the gathering being on a Friday night. Anywho, I enjoyed it tremendously. I enjoyed performing I'll stand by you by Carrie Underwood, although I did miss the bridge TWICE!
My guitarist, Mr.Cutey Taufik was very calm and professional when he uttered "You miss it again, okay...we'll start AGAIN..", while continuosly playing the bridge part for the 3rd time. Ahaks! Well, what can I say? I only practised the song an hour before the performance. Go figure!

Oh yea, if you guys wondering what's plastered on my arms, it's a sticker with my name on it. Since it has been 8 year since we girls left school, its a good idea to have nametag-like-thing to prevent the.. "Errr, I'm sorry but I can't remember your name" cliché. And if you're wondering again, what I'm holding.....well, it's the lyric, I can't remember it. Hehe.. ;)
All and all, the reunion was a blast! The committee members did a very good job, given the tight timing and hunting for a nice venue. So, round of applause to them! Good work girls... ;)

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