Monday, July 23, 2007

two weeks time..

Hell, I loveeeeee blogging. Its a great way to convey the message of my mind and a hell lot greater way to tell friends that my birthday is coming up in two weeks! Hahaha.. talk about muka tak malu la...hehe

Next next Sunday, it'll be the big two-five for me. Some say that turning a quarter century is the prime time of being young. It is really? I'm not so big with the idea of turning into a real adult. I know that eventhought I'm turning thirty, I'll still be living under Mom's roof, and lazying around the house, snacking on free food. ;)

Anywho.. who knows where I'll end up in future so let's not even think about it. All I know now, I'm looking forward for 'the Sunday' to come. The prospect looks good - my birthday falls on a weekend, Jess is flying back fom Sydney, have a dinner date the night before.. eeerrrmm... that twenty-fifth birthday is looking 'gourmet'!

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