Monday, May 28, 2007


There's this guy I know who used to go 'emo' at me one time. I literally slapped his face. Seriously. /Jann with a straight face.

Today, I met that kind of guy again. Ooohhh, IF only he was someone I know, he'll surely get a piece of my mind or feel the heat on his smooth cheek.

Gosh, I really hate guys who are over emotional. Showing off their moody side. Looks to me its like they just want some cooing from the girls. Hate it, absolutely hate it. Its like they are better off with no manhood between their legs and pink ribbons to tie their fringe!

Sigh.. go get some balls and leave the emo part to girls okay...
Jantan buruk buat muka cembeng laaa.. /Jann roll eyes

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