Thursday, May 17, 2007

one purrrrfect day..

I so wish that...even it were to haapen for one day...

To wake up to everything white. The bed, the sheet, the pillow, basically the whole room. With an open full bloom flowered patio (make it white lilies), overlooking the sea. And have delicious breakfast surrounded by serenity.

And just spend the day lazying around the house, maybe catch up on some reading, maybe just taking cat naps after a wonderful lunch of a bigass Ceasar salad portion with quill eggs and a big glass of strawberry juice. And later on, later in the evening, to walk along the white sandy beach (make it a private beach).

By night fall, I want to soak in a luxurious bath of flowers and aromatheraphy, with candle lights to provide an intimate ambiance all over the bathroom. Once I'm done, I'll go to bed naked. Hehe, seriously!

UUuuhhh I tell ya, if this day happen, I'll definitely be purring.. ;)

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