Monday, May 21, 2007

stop disturbing, need to do work!

I can't study in groups. Its not that I don't have the teamwork spirit, I just hate the commotion and constant chit-chatting. It disturbs my concentration. That is why I'm a loner when it comes to studying and as well as doing most things by myself.

And I can never study in college or even in the library! Friends would come up to me and ask me tons of questions (I don't really mind if they ask short questions) and they alway seem unaware of the obvious - that I'm there to study and they are taking up my time, big time! Ehem... despite that, let me make it clear that I'm not a snob by saying the above. I'm just tired with people who don't consider of others therefore I need to bitch.. *guffaw*

But it's true, just come to Malaysian college and experience it yourself. My friends who studied oversea don't have this kind of problem - a library remain as peaceful and quiet as a grave!

This week, I have 3 assignments to pass up and have to finish the business aspect of my final year project before the mid-point presentation that is due next week. It's hectic yes.. and a bit stressful, but I don't really mind, I love the adrenaline rush. I'm only REALLY stress out and frustrated when people disturb my work and taking their own sweet time with MY time!

Like today, I can't concentrate eventhough I'm not in college. One reason is that I'm studying at home. There's Mom, who always ask me to do chores at the time my brain is starting to function and blooming with ideas to bullshit for my assignments. And there's my two cats, one likes to sleep on top of my computer desk, blocking my view of the screen and another like to shit all over the two bathrooms in the house, making me dizzy with the 'perfume' the instant the odour travels to my room!

Gosh, if I ever going to do my Masters, I'll make sure I'll do it oversea where I'm far far away from these disturbance..

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