Saturday, December 29, 2007

2007 in a nutshell...not (part 2)

....from last entry...

So yeah, I have been thinking about what the future might holds. 2007 marks the end of my 5-years plan that starts in 2003. I have gained most of what I aimed for and along the journey, I had to bear an equal amount of lost too.

As I have said earlier, if I were to sums up what 2007 means to me in a word, I would say, "self-discovery". Though I am still in the dark about what I truly want out of a career, I am now positive of what I want in other aspects in life. At the moment, I still aspire to fulfill my travel goals, get my Masters before the big three-O and I still want to roam free without any strings attached.

Throughout this year, I come to realize that being too nice only gets me bullied by friends without me realizing it in the first place. Frankly, I never really thought of it from that angle until a confidante told me straight to my face. And oddly, thou' being nice and all, I come to realize that I can say NO to people without feeling guilty, a practise I started earlier in the year for my own peace of mind.

And I discover that my religious path is most honest when it is kept between me and God. Though I am not a proper practising Muslim, I have found more solace and serenity by learning about my religion in a discreet manner. Speaking of faith, I realized how much believe I have in certain people in my life including those who has dissapointed me countless times and those who always, without fail, assuring me that everything is going to be okay.

And though I might be an independant woman, I still find comfort and care whenever my close peeps fuss over me. And I realized that all my friends who decided to get married, are the true adults - commitment and responsibilities need to be handle with maturity and guts. Frankly speaking, I rather slay a dragon rather than settling down. In that sense, I guess, I still have doubts whether I am able to sacrifice my freedom and have a real sense of belonging to someone. I know for a fact that I am just not ready for all the shebang. Albeit that, scary as it might be, I'm doing something to get the hang of what the icky love-commitment stuff is all about.

Last but not least, most importantly, throughout 2007, I find it true that nothing is as bad as it seems, be it a matter of life or death, blossom or ruined friendship or whatever not. It is all but a life-cycle of gain and lost. Life goes on, babe.

So, with that in mind, I welcome 2008 with full enthusiasm... ikimashio!

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